
SGE Parser

The SGE parser parses Sun Grid Engine accounting logs. Each line in a SGE accounting log-file represents an accounting record formatted as colon separated fields.

The following accounting properties are generated by this parser. Note that some of these values are not supported on all operating systems where SGE can run. See the SGE documentation for more details.

Name Type Description
sge:Account String SGE Account
sge:CPUTime Number Total CPU time (seconds) used by all processes
sge:Category String SGE job Category
sge:CompletedTimestamp Date Time job completed
sge:Department String SGE Department
sge:Exit Number Numerical exit status of job or command
sge:Failed Number SGE Failure code
sge:GroupName String group name
sge:IOData Number IO data transfered
sge:IOWait Number IO wait time in seconds
sge:JobName String SGE job name
sge:Mem Number measured memory usage in Gbyte cpu seconds
sge:PE String PE used for job
sge:PeTaskId String PE Task id, this is the index of an MPI sub-task started through SGE
sge:Priority Number Priority value assigned to job
sge:Project String Project
sge:Queue String Queue Name
sge:SgeId Number Integer Job id used by SGE
sge:Slots Number Number of SGE slots allocated to the job
sge:StartedTimestamp Date Time job was started
sge:SubmittedTimestamp Date Time job was submitted
sge:Task Number Task id, this is the index of this task within an array job
sge:UserName String User name
sge:Vmem Number max Vmem in bytes
sge:Wall Number Wallclock in seconds as reported directly by SGE
sge:ru_idrss Number SGE ru_idrss field
sge:ru_inblock Number SGE ru_inblock field
sge:ru_ismrss Number SGE ru_ismrss field
sge:ru_isrss Number SGE ru_isrss field
sge:ru_ixrss Number SGE ru_ixrss field
sge:ru_majflt Number SGE ru_majflt field
sge:ru_maxrss Number SGE ru_maxrss field
sge:ru_minflt Number SGE ru_minflt field
sge:ru_msgrcv Number SGE ru_msgrcv field
sge:ru_msgsnd Number SGE ru_msgsnd field
sge:ru_nivcsw Number SGE ru_nivcsw field
sge:ru_nsignals Number SGE ru_nsignals field
sge:ru_nswap Number SGE ru_nswap field
sge:ru_nvcsw Number SGE ru_nvcsw field
sge:ru_outblock Number SGE ru_outblock field
sge:ru_stime Number SGE ru_stime field
sge:ru_utime Number SGE ru_utime field

All generated properties are from the sge property registry. The following aliases are also generated.

sge:Queue batch:Queue
sge:GroupName base:GroupName
sge:UserName base:UserName
sge:JobName batch:JobName
sge:Account batch:Account
sge:Exit base:Exit
sge:Wall batch:Wall
sge:CPUTime base:CPUTime
sge:Slots batch:CPUs
sgeSubmittedTimestamp batch:SubmittedTimestamp
sge:StartedTimestamp base:StartedTimestamp
sge:CompletedTimestamp base:CompletedTimestamp

The following configuration properties control the behavior of the parser

Property Default Effect
skip_slave_job.machine-name true Ignore records with a zero submit time. These are usually MPI tasks started from a master task. Including these records would result in double counting of usage.
skip_failed_job.machine-name false Ignore records that are marked as having failed.
skip_sub_task.machine-name true Ignore records with PeTaskId set. These have been started from a maser task. Including such tasks could result in double counting or resource use.

Grid-SAFE was funded by JISC and is maintained, developed, and managed by EPCC at the University of Edinburgh