
Alias Property Policy

This policy establishes aliases for AccountingProperties already in scope. It is identified by the class name The alias can be as simple as one AccountingProperty is equal to another, or can involve complicated property expressions. Aliases are created by making a configuration property of the form:

alias.table-name.prop-name = prop-expression 

For example

alias.PBSRecord.owner = user

In this example, the pbs:owner AccountingProperty is mapped to the pbs:user AccountingProperty. The prefix pbs is omitted because there are no other accounting properties with the names owner and user in scope, so the prefix is not required. Aliases will only be used if the target AccountingProperty has not already had it's value set. In other words, it is a fall-back mechanism.

The target AccountingProperty (which in the example above would be owner) must be an accounting property that already exists in one of the property registries managed by the parser that parses records into the specified table, or the base or batch property registries. If one wishes to create new accounting properties, one should use the DerivedProperty policy.

The right hand side of the definition is a PropExpression.


Grid-SAFE was funded by JISC and is maintained, developed, and managed by EPCC at the University of Edinburgh